melissa dougherty law of attraction

The Dark Side of The Law of Attraction|With @JonClash

Why Law of Attraction, Oneness, Universalism, Mysticism, and Religious Pluralism aren't Christian

The Law of Attraction and Hyper-Charismatic Movement w/Melissa Dougherty

The Law of Attraction and the Universe with Melissa Dougherty

Are Affirmations Biblical? My Thoughts.

The Bible Verse That Spiritually Throat-Punched Me.

Melissa Dougherty on Joel Osteen - Universalism, Law of Attraction: My Rebuttal

Top Five New Age Teachings in the Church

Major Flaws with Word of Faith and Prosperity Preaching: You're Not God.

The time when I 'accidentally' went to a prosperity preaching church.

Should Christians Use New Age Techniques if They Seem to Work?

If A Christian Went to a Self-Help Group

The sinister spiritual secret hidden in MLMs. #shorts

Charismatic and Hyper-Charismatic, Whats the Difference? w/ Melissa Dougherty

How New Age & Word of Faith Misunderstand the Bible (Mike Winger and Melissa Dougherty)

The truth you may ignore about Affirmations! | @MelissaDougherty

The #1 Reason I Believe the Enneagram is Deceptive

How a Christian Can Unknowingly Have Unbiblical (or Occultic) Beliefs.

Some Thoughts on 'Signs' from God

Does the Bible Teach that Our Thoughts Have Magnetic Energy?

Mike Winger Vs. Kenneth Copeland on Romans 4:17

How a Christian Can Have New Age Beliefs and Not Even Know it

Melissa Dougherty: BEWARE of These Anti-Biblical New Age Practices in Your Church | TBN

Counterfeit Vs. Authentic: Can Christians Redeem New Age Practices?